The body of a dozen new intimate works presented in Fragments of the Unknown embodies an uncertain future when Jaoui embraces his new paternity. Throughout the canvases, he approaches the unknown perspectives of his journey as an artist and a human being. On the walls, the abstract works materialise as fragments of emotions anchored in a new step of life.
Jaoui’s emotions spring up from his brushes. His energetic and spontaneous movement impregnates the canvas, which welcomes in thick layers of paint the result of his internal debates.
Before becoming a visual artist, Jaoui was an actor for a few years, learning to use body and movement to convey his feelings. Perhaps as a result, his artistic process focuses on the gesture and the importance of the body. The works emerge from a flurry of motion and steps during which he transforms the surface of his paintings. He perpetually rotates the canvas, coming at it from all angles. He uses a wide range of mediums - like pastels, spray paint, charcoal, oils, and acrylic paint - on raw canvas to build densely layered surfaces, highlighting the texture of his works. By layering these materials, he captures the energy invested in every piece, making direct connexions between the creative process and the final result. For him, painting is a way of conveying his emotions, turning his process into a source of confidence and peace.
Inspired by the colours of his Tunisian heritage and the bustling energy of Berlin street art, Jaoui cultivates a singular style, based on the mastery of colour, free movements and true artistic freedom. His work breathes a passion for the sensorial and intuitive aspects of art. This passion finds a perfect echo in the European Cobra movement - the avant-garde of 1948-1951 - which advocated raw, expressive gestures over meticulous detail, infusing works with personal emotion and energy. This movement, deeply in tune with Jaoui's artistic philosophy, reinforces his belief in art as an emotional expression rather than a visual representation. For the artist, Cobra embodies a breath of freedom: the freedom to experiment, to break with convention, and to express emotions through bold, unrestrained strokes. His creations go beyond the merely visual; they are part of a spiritual and intellectual process of discovery. Each creative act becomes an exploration, a space where raw emotion meets an analytical quest for balance and harmony.
Thus, Jaoui's approach to art is not limited to producing visual works; it is a process of spiritual and emotional discovery, evolving with each moment of creation. His art is a process of spiritual and emotional discovery, evolving with each moment of creation. His work invites experience beyond observation, allowing the viewer to feel the intensity of colour, movement and depth. Looking at one of Jaoui's works is an act of spiritual liberation, a raw and expressive exploration of freedom.