27 September - 25 October 2024


The Gestures of Happiness

In this journey where abstraction meets the concrete, Haizel invites us to an exploration of the existence, a quest to understand our place in this world of wars today and to reinvent our reality through art and poetry. Thus, Kelvin Haizel's works, influenced by the thought of David Mandessi Diop, transform the trivial into the sublime and celebrate resilience and transformation.
In the silent meanders of paint shops, Kelvin Haizel weaves dreams of liberation. The artist invites us on a journey where contemporary abstraction merges with everyday details. Drawing inspiration from these sanctuaries where color samples unfold like fragments of a latent dream. Every shade, every texture tells a story, a fragment of a dream suspended, waiting to come to life. Haizel captures these fragments, transforms them, transcends them, merging daydreams and waking visions.
In this poetic dance, where the tangible dissolves, Haizel's works become songs of resilience. They reveal the unsuspected beauty of our environment, elevating the ordinary to unexpected heights. The artist advocates for reconciliation, rebirth, a transformation toward an era where sadness becomes joy, where oppression dissipates in the dawn of a new freedom. Haizel, in his paintings, embodies this vision with striking precision.
Colors and textures become witnesses to a dialogue, an exchange between the surfaces and spaces of our everyday lives. They question our perception, our identity, inviting us to a deep visual meditation. Each shade, each texture on these sample boards is a vibrant microcosm, an effusion from an infinite palette. Haizel captures the essence of these fragments and metamorphoses them into abstract compositions of unparalleled richness. He invites us to rediscover the hidden beauty in what we consider banal.